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When is a Abdominoplasty Necessary?

A Abdominoplasty can be medically indicated in two distinct scenarios, the first of which means you need to be a massive weight loss patient. I’ll talk about that in a second. The second type is if you’ve got a legitimate hernia. So let’s talk about the massive weight loss situation. So this is pretty hard to achieve unless you’ve lost a large amount of weight. In Australia, we define that as losing five BMI points, keeping it off for six months, and also having some skin irritation. If you tick all those boxes, sometimes your health fund will partially cover your surgery. So there’s that one category. The second type is with hernias. Hernias, it’s not the same as having some separation of the muscle, unfortunately. So when surgically we talk about hernias, we’re talking about bowel or fat literally poking between those muscles, usually around the bellybutton, and sometimes even getting stuck there. So if you’ve got a massive hernia, that is medically indicated. But if you’ve got some separation between the muscles, which is very, very common after having pregnancies, that is often not covered with the health funds. So those are the two indications for medically indicated Abdominoplastys or weight loss types of surgeries. If you’ve got any questions that you wanna specifically ask me, ’cause it is very situation-dependent, don’t hesitate to reach out. I’m more than happy to answer any of your questions.

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