
+61 2 8069 8973

Abdominoplasty Sydney | Post Pregnancy

What is an Abdominoplasty?

Abdominoplasty procedure usually describes a combination of operations designed to help women after having children. Every mum would tell you that bringing new life into the world is one of the most exciting and rewarding experiences you can go through. However, your body undergoes drastic changes during pregnancy and you may feel that you would like to your stomach area after the weight gain, stabilize your core muscles, or rejuvenate your breasts if they are smaller, bigger, or saggier.


This procedure does not aim to create something new, but simply to what you had previously.

With that in mind, these procedures should never be the first option you reach for after childbirth. These combinations of operations are best suited to women who have reached their ideal body weight again and are in good physical health. The operation should be mostly about tailoring loose skin, removing some stubborn fat, and finally repairing the weakness centrally in your abdominal muscles.

Dr. Alex Phoon is experienced in delivering safe and successful plastic surgeries and cosmetic procedures. He conducts all procedures in a fully qualified, proper hospital setting, and uses the latest cosmetic technologies and breast implants. The end result leaves you looking your best while feeling safe and secure throughout the entire process.


Benefits of a Abdominoplasty Procedure

Core Muscle Strengthening and Stabilising

Separation of your abdominal muscles following childbirth is very common. Most women will completely recover with physiotherapy and time, but for others, it can be associated with longstanding discomfort and pain. The muscular repair of a Abdominoplasty is highly effective at restoring your abdominal wall whilst at the same time giving you a sleek and rejuvenated mid-section. A recent study has suggested that, in addition to improving lower back pain, it might also help with urinary incontinence that can be experienced after childbirth.

Skin Tightening Procedures & Breast Surgery

Liposuction improves the body’s contours by removing excess fat to slim and reshape specific areas of the body. It can permanently remove stubborn fat, tighten the skin and fine-tune the curves of the body with minimal downtime required.

The results of liposuction are dependent on your lifestyle choices post-procedure. The fat cells that have been removed as a result of the procedure will not grow back; however, weight gain can happen as per usual meaning that you may experience a larger version of your new shape if you do put on more weight. Liposuction is often performed on the abdomen, breasts, and hips in the case of a Abdominoplasty.


After repairing your core muscles our surgeons will be able to remove almost all the excess skin and fat below the belly button, leaving you a ly flat abdomen and a scar hidden low in your underwear. The stretch marks will also be removed at the same time.

When combined with liposuction this procedure can provide quite dramatic improvements to both your quality of life and your overall again. In our clinic we often like to say that ͛ is – you might primarily want a functional recovery or to look in a two-piece, in this case, you can expect to have both!

Contact Dr. Alex Phoon’s practice to your , pre-pregnancy body. Dr. Phoon’s clinic has recently moved to Bourke Street in Surry Hills. Our new space is elegant, fresh, and centrally located.

To find out more, call 0+61 2 8069 8973 or complete an inquiry form. Previous examples of our s and Abdominoplasty s can be viewed below.

Before and After a Abdominoplasty Procedure:

Frequently Asked Questions About Abdominoplastys

How much does a Abdominoplasty cost?

Prices can vary depending on your individual situation and what is required to give you the result you desire. There have also been some fairly significant changes to private health coverage levels across the board and we suggest going through your individual situation with our patient coordinators. This kind of cosmetic surgery is currently not allowed to be performed in the NSW public health system.

Click the link below to contact one of our expert patient coordinators.

Will this kind of surgery work for me?

You are a good candidate for this kind of surgery if:

  • You are more than six months past your last pregnancy.
  • You are in good health and would like to enhance your post-pregnancy body.
  • You are no longer experiencing major fluctuations in weight. It’s a good idea to be near your ideal body weight for some time (at least 3 months) before a . If you want to lose weight, do it before the makeover procedures. Surgeons recommend this because weight loss before a makeover helps the surgeon determine how much excess skin should be removed and how to best sculpt your body.

You are clear about what you expect from the makeover. It is important to be very specific about your wishes for your post-baby body and convey them clearly to your surgeon. This will help the surgeon make recommendations to achieve your goal.

How long does the surgery take?

The procedure generally takes between 2 and a half to 8 hours to complete. Sometimes it can be necessary to stage the procedures in separate operations.

The number and frequency of these procedures are based on your desired surgery and outcomes.

How long will I need to recover?

The amount of time and intensity of your recovery period will largely depend on which procedures you have done. In the 2-3 days following the surgery, you will be administered a routine amount of local anaesthetic through a mechanical device called a ‘pain buster’. After this period, an expert anaesthetist will prescribe you a sensible and medication regime, which will help manage any pain you may have.

A post-operative appointment is then organised five to seven days after discharge from the hospital. Any necessary post-operation procedures will be performed during this appointment (Such as removing stitching, checking, and cleaning incisions). Depending on how your wounds are healing, further appointments may be necessary.

Dr. Phoon likes to see patients again roughly four to six weeks after any operation to assess scars and any swelling. Expect post-operative clinical photos of your progress to be taken at this time. Dates for further follow-up will depend on your progress and how you feel.

It will be 2-6 months to a year before you experience the final outcome.

How much time will I need to take off work? 

Generally speaking, we would advise taking 4 weeks off work. If you have young children or infants, plan on having extra help for that period.

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